Alaa Almohammadi
Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Department of European Languages and Literature
Faculty of Arts and Humanties
Twitter: @alaa_moe
Alaa Almohammadi is an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the Department of European Languages and Literature, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She is currently the Vice Chair of the Department of European Languages and Literature, King Abdulaziz University. She obtained her PhD from King’s College London and her thesis investigated the development of metaphor comprehension in Arabic-speaking children. Broadly, her research interests are: psycholinguistics, child language development, bilingualism, figurative language understanding, and early literacy development. She is also interested in language and the media. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses including: Research Methods, Child Language Development, Introduction to Linguistics, and Applied Linguistics. She presented in a number of international conferences. Recently, she was granted a visiting scholarship from St John’s College، University of Oxford. As an academic working in academia for over 10 years, she is also interested in the development and the understanding of current practices and professional standards in higher education.